What do you give our XF S3 covers out of 10? (10 is best, 1 worst) Past Polls
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LINKS DVD News/Review Sites, Online DVD Stores, Online DVD Tools, Places To Buy Amaray Cases.
www.thedigitalbits.com - An okay region 1 site with a lot of exclusives/competitions. Seems to have dropped below the high standard they used to have. www.michaeldvd.com.au - An army of reviewers giving a range of opinions on the latest region 4 dvds as well as the latest dvd relate news. The reviews are very highly detailed (much more than region 1 counterparts) www.dvddebate.com - Probably the best Region 2 (but mainly U.K.) site with lots of in depth region comparisions (including the occasional 1vs.2vs.4) www.dvdfile.com - My favourite Region 1 news/review site. Contains regular editorials. www.amazon.com - Prices aren't that great anymore noww that they're traying to make a reasonable profit. But if your looking for a reliable and secure online store this is probably your best bet. www.ezydvd.com.au - This seems to be the most popular online region 4 store for people outside region 4. If your in the U.K. and have a multiregion player be prepared to pick up a few bargains from Aus. (I wish it was the same for people in Aus buying overseas ;-( ) www.dvdpricesearch.com - One of the best region 1 price comparison sites around. Simply type in the name of the title your after and you'll be presented with a list of the online stores carrying it and the price. There is also a total which includes shipping cost so you can work out which store is the cheapest. Also check out this site from time to time because they have some useful coupons. www.dvdplaza.com.au - The region 4 equivelant of www.dvdpricesearch.com, except that this site also carries a fair bit of news. finance.yahoo.com/m3 - This is the direct link to the Yahoo! Exchange rate page. Check out how your currency stacks up against a country you want to get a disc from. Particullary useful for people in e.g. Australia who want to get a disc from the U.S. www.amaray.com - The official site for the amaray dvd case. Don't know if you can actually buy them through here though...
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