What do you give our XF S3 covers out of 10?

(10 is best, 1 worst)

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ICQ: 18807613



Welcome to dvdcovers.cjb.net, your ultimate custom dvd cover resource. For more information on what this site does (and for help) click they "Why?" button above.

For things such as requesting a cover/putting your cover up/comments/questions go to the "contact me" page via the side pane. Feel free to add me to your ICQ list.

If you get popup window please don't close it because another will open when you go to a different section of the site.



Friday, April 19, 2002 6:48 PM

For people visiting from the matrix board... the article is here.

Friday, March 29, 2002 12:58 PM

I was doing some thinking and decided in the end, even though I don't have time to make many covers other than the x-files, I will add covers that people have made themselves to the site, so that other people who need them can appreciate. This site was not and is not intended to be simply a collection scans of dvd covers (there are enough of them) but rather custom ones where a need exists. For example, in the U.K. and U.S.? Buffy comes in a set much akin to the X-Files. If someone wished to submit scans of the R4 covers (which i believe are in normal cases) or have created their own, please your interest in having them put up or linked to. I will probably also put up a list of covers which people wish to be made so if anyone wants to make them they can - this way should be much more productive in actually getting some more scans up.

Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:56 PM

Sorry for the lack of updates in a looong time. I have practically finished 300dpi (excellent quality for printing) versions of x-files seasons 1-4 but I need a bit of help if they are to be released. Basically I need 300dpi scans of the following:

Front/Back of Box (S1-4). NOT the slip. Basically I want scans of the box as it is when you open it, i.e. not unfolded.

Front of all "booklets".

In the future I may need scans of further artwork for e.g. back of chapter stops (which are currently black background), but for now this is all i need. If you are able to assist please drop a message (without scans) via the "contact me" button. Also, if you would simply like me the make the covers available, show your support by posting in the guestbook or dropping me a line.

One final note. I will no longer be making dvd covers for discs that have crappy ones due to the lack of volunteers. Whilst some people did respond initially and showed support they simply stopped responding after a while. I will continue making dvds covers for the x-files, and possibly the simpsons and very unlikely buffy (you can just get r4 scans for the latter, as it is in normal cases).

Thanks! ;-)

Saturday, June 30, 2001 2:12 PM

Error's have been discovered on the front cover of the first disc in x-files season three. The episode name "The Host" was incorrectly displayed instead of "Paper Clip" in the episode summaries. "Paper Clip" was also incorrectly displayed as one word on the front of this cover. These errors have been corrected and the new file can be obtained through our downloads page or by clicking here. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Sunday, June 24, 2001 12:38 PM

I have finally update the X-Files Season Three DVD covers. Sorry about the wait but I've been having internet connection problems. Anyway, check out the cover front and back previews or use the download link above to download the files. These covers (as with all our covers) have been vigorously checked for things such as typographical errors but if you do come across one please let me know asap.

Please, submit your cover requests!

Friday, June 8, 2001 21:20

Uploaded the first of the covers, X-Files seasons 1 and 2. I will be putting up season 3 fairly soon.

Saturday June 2, 2001 12:57

I added a form to make it much easier to submit your requests/comments/links. Check out the "contact me" link to the left.

June 1, 2001

The new site dvdcovers.cjb.net is live!!! You can still use the old url xfdvdcovers.cjb.net and you'll be redirected here but please update to the new address. Allow me a few days to get the first covers up but in the meantime feel free to contact me with any comments/questions/suggestions you might have.

Saturday May 5, 2001 3:37

All links are finally working again! I got kicked of geocities without warning and sorry for any inconvenience that has caused. Please bookmark the new url of xfdvdcovers.cjb.net. This should be the last time the url changes. Sorry and thanks for your patience while I set up the site for the new server.

Sunday April 29, 2001 0:24

Updated the site again (using layers/templates instead of frames).

Uploaded New Covers (Season 2 Release 3, Season 1 Release 5) - please give feedback in the guestbook.

Friday, 27 April 2001 04:49:06 PM +1100

Finally I have updated the look of the site ;-). Tell me what you think about it and any suggestions you have in the guestbook.  

    Also with this site update comes a major update to the season one and two covers. These are by far the best covers ever to grace this site with several major changes. Head over to the download/preview page to check them out.

Can people please vote in the poll and/or sign the guestbook so I can get some feedback.

NOTE:  I have been unable to put new covers up but will do so within the next few days.



All copyrights on this site belong to their respective owners. Some aspects (including complete site design) © 2001 gOoBaLL. Other copyrights belong to contributors where appropriate. We are in no way linked to any dvd manufacturer or film studio. Site designed for 800x600+ with 24bit colour. Proudly 99.99% Opera Compatible.